Friday, June 12, 2009

4 Days to Go!

Hello all!

well in case you havent noticed, this is the blog i will be using for the 5 1/2 weeks i am in brasil. thanks for tuning in! i leave just a few days and wont be back until july 24th and i'll hopefully keep you updated on what God is doing every day or so.

I spent the last hour or 2 deflating about 20 basketballs, footballs, and soccer balls for the sports camp Carlyn Walter, Laura Carter, (summer interns from Texas) and myself will be putting on for the teens and pre teens. (thanks to Mr. Lauter for donating all the equiptment!) the sports camp, craft time, and bible studies are all different ministries we will be a part of and it's quite a task so please pray for us!

I am so excited to see God work in these teens lives and i am blessed to be a part of it!! thank you all for your support and prayers. i'll miss you all and i'll see you at the end of july!....well, unless of course you go to my church..then i'll see you on sunday.. anyways, goodbye for now. = D



  1. I'll be praying continuously for you! Its great to have a friend that strives to live for God through her everyday life. You're a blessing, Love you and have a great trip ! :)

  2. Hey babe. We're getting ready to watch your flight take off from Atlanta to Brasil.
    We love you and are so thankful for your sevants heart:)
    God Bless you and please give hugs to all the kids from us and tell them we love them!!
    Love Mom and Dad
