Wednesday, July 8, 2009


Hello to all, Live from Brasil!!
Well, as im sure you've noticed, its been a couple days since my last blog entry. Thats cuz our scheduel has been pretty full! We've kept with the routine of little kids, pre-teens, lunch, teens, soccer/plaground, then some kind of event in the evening. Its been really tiring, but we've been spending a lot of time with the kids!
The question for this week is "what surrounds your shadow?" (yeah, brian. pretty much "who are you with?"). We've been teaching about the importance of who you spend your time with and how it affects your walk with Christ. Then tuesday was the fruits of the spirit and today Carlyn and i taught on why you should have an Accountability Partner and what kind of qualities they should have. It went well and we had some good illustrations! (carlyn shares my love for those kind of things!) After that, we finally got to have basketball, (we couldnt the past coulple days cuz of the rain...."that's a lot of water") They had fun getting out there again. Our actual basketball teaching wont start until monday when rob and nate get here... on Monday!
Then after lunch until about 4 we all crashed. It was a much needed 4 hour nap! (we usually take the afternoon off on wednesdays) I know this isnt much of an update, but at least you know we're still going down here!
Some random things that have happened are: Taught some of the kids to say "no soup for you!", James got his phone stolen (we're cracking down on security now), i taught the devotional on monday night about love, we played soccer again and of course, balled it up! (not), taught the teens how to play Signs and they actually liked it! Erika has been recovering well! (she thinks shes gonna go to Children's Worship Hour tomorrow night... yeah, shes not) and all the while we've managed to sneak in our once-daily smoothies!
Tonight theres some kind of service at the Grupo CEO building. Im not sure exactly what it is, but i know its the first one, so please pray that it all goes smoothly! Then after the service, we're all gonna head over and pay a visit to Tequila! im sure i'll have some great stories for you tomorrow.
Please keep praying for the hearts of the people, both here and in VQ. Friday we will be asking kids to write our their testimonys and that will give us a chance to minister to the ones that dont really have one yet. Thank you to all you faithful readers! i'll try and keep you more updated these next few days. talk at you all tomorrow!

Until next time,
P.S. Moments after posting this the first time, i was again thrown into the pool against my will... just thought you'd all enjoy that little tid bit.

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