Saturday, March 20, 2010

Hmm.. i really dont know what to title this one.. = )

hey there!
well, i am happy to say that God blessed me with another good week down here and it started off with an eye-opener. so i was sitting in class copying the notes down from the board when i heard the kids behind me start talking about Christianity and what you need to do to be saved and what the Bible says about certain things, which i thought was interesting cuz usually the conversations people have during class are rather pointless. lol so im listening to them talk and i realize that one of the guys is saying pretty skeptical things about the bible and salvation, and the other kids who claim to be Christians dont know quite enough of what the Bible says to be able to answer this guys questions. so, if you know me, you know that i was burning to say something! but since i didnt understand all of what is being said, and we were in the middle of class, i decided not to. so, feeling pretty helpless, i went back to writing my notes and could only pray that God would give me another opportunity to share His Truth with those kids. Now, where does the eye-opening part come in? well what God showed me in that situation was that the kids that i am around every day at school are just as much in need of the Truth as the kids i minister to at Grupo CEO. Its a bit different, of course, because at Grupo CEO they come to be taught God's Word and at school they just come to be taught their ABC's and 123's, but that doesnt mean that they dont have questions or a desire for something more. so God laid something on my heart: every day i am going to bring the Portuguese/English Bible that Erika let me use to school and im gonna read it during our break time before i play basketball. What i want you guys reading this to do is pray that the Holy Spirit works in the hearts of the kids who need to hear the Truth and moves them to voice any questions or doubts they have, and of course, that i can show them the answers in Scripture. Its out of my comfort zone for sure, but im pretty sure that went out the window when i stepped on the plane almost 2 months ago. haha.
as for things at Grupo CEO, i heard some upsetting news about one of the kids here. its a tough sittuation that needs a lot of prayer, and i know you guys will do just that. apart from that it has been a good week of ministry and also building relationships. Leninha and Gessica spent the night on thurdsay (we had school off on friday. woohoo!) and today Bill and Erika and us kids went to the beach in Taiba to visit Erikas parents and family. We also went out to a mexican restaurant for dinner which was very much enjoyed by me in particular! (but dont worry dad, it didnt hold a candle to Poncho's!) all in all, it was a good week that God 100% lead me through! Hes shown me once again that i can do nothing, but it is His Spirit working in me that makes a difference and changes hearts!
as for the week to come, i can't wait for more oportunities to serve and invest! and you know whats cool? every single person reading this can do the same thing! here are some overall prayer needs for the people here: choose joy, be open to His voice, realize His perfect love, abandon apathy, be aware of blessings despite hardships. Thanks so much for praying me and all of these people up! God bless!
Until Next Time,


  1. interestingly enough... those prayer requests ring true right here as well...

  2. jo once again your blog was a blessing to read ,yes OUR GOD thru HIS HOLY SPIRIT keeps oppotunity at every door we walk through it,s being willing to make the sacrifice to do HIS work and but self second . thankyou jordan for allowing your mind and heart to stay open at all times! we praise HIM with you GOD BLESS LOVE Papa
